Pub Photos
I have added a set to my Flickr account containing grainy, sort of crappy cell phone photos of the pubs I have been to recently. They include ones I've used in reviews of other pubs as well as these new ones from a recent visit to the Chapel Pub--newest in the McMenamins' chain, and new home to their office.
At some point soon I'm going to pick up a digital cam and the quality should improve markedly, though I actually think there's something charming about the low-res quality of cell-phone photos. On mine (an older Razr), it tends to really wash out at the edges. Reminds me of a Super 8 movie I shot when I was younger--the crudeness added some visual interest. Anyway, here's the Chapel Pub:

That last one is an especially bad shot, and I normally would flush something of that quality, but you get a sense of the artisinal light fixtures they have there, suggestive of the whimsy and attention to detail for which the McBrothers are rightly praised.
At some point soon I'm going to pick up a digital cam and the quality should improve markedly, though I actually think there's something charming about the low-res quality of cell-phone photos. On mine (an older Razr), it tends to really wash out at the edges. Reminds me of a Super 8 movie I shot when I was younger--the crudeness added some visual interest. Anyway, here's the Chapel Pub:
That last one is an especially bad shot, and I normally would flush something of that quality, but you get a sense of the artisinal light fixtures they have there, suggestive of the whimsy and attention to detail for which the McBrothers are rightly praised.