Portland's Best Pubs

So, realizing that my noon-3pm slot would no longer be occupied by the Cheers to Belgian Beers event (which, contrary to reports, starts at three along with the UCLA-Memphis game), I went grocery shopping. Saturday afternoon's a bad time to go grocery shopping, so I had a chance to study Portland Monthly's Best Bars article. Of 50 places, they devoted a total of four to pubs specializing in beer: Horse Brass (no-brainer), Higgins, Green Dragon, and the Henry. In a town famous for beer, it's instructive that the self-appointed city mag devotes only 8% of its top fifty to suds.

So let's use those as a base and expand it a bit. What's your fave pub? I'll leave this up for a few days and post my list of best alehouse/taprooms in town next week.