Tomorrow is the second annual BrewPubliCrawl (or BREWPUBLICrawl, if that clarifies things), a 1.5-mile pedestrian brewfest that roams from Blitz Ladd to Victory Bar, with stops along the way at Beermongers, Lompoc Hedge House and Bar Avignon.

Full details are at Brewpublic, including a description of the venues along the Division street beer corridor, details about the event, and a list of the beers pouring at each location. As with all De Ieso joints, it promises to be big fun--and of course, he's got a lot of cool beers lined up, too.
Full details are at Brewpublic, including a description of the venues along the Division street beer corridor, details about the event, and a list of the beers pouring at each location. As with all De Ieso joints, it promises to be big fun--and of course, he's got a lot of cool beers lined up, too.