Oaktober? Oakshire Seizes the Month
e Willamette Brewery was just a toddler when it learned a very important lesson about naming rights and the law: common words have all kinds of legal strings attached. Someone knowledgeable pointed out that if they invented a word, no one could hassle them, and thus did Willamette become Oakshire. I'm thinking the brewery ought to look into putting a mark on "Oaktober," if 2011 is any guide. To wit:
1. Ill-Tempered Gnome release. Matt Van Wyk will be at the Guild on Thursday with the Portland debut of the Gnome on tap--and not just the '11 debut. Apparently, this beer has never poured on draft in the Occupied Republic of Portland. The Guild will have six taps pouring with Oakbrew, including rare Single Batch Series beers. I will test Matt's fealty to reading this blog by asking whether the exceptional Well-Mannered Gnome, a small beer made from Ill-Tempered, will be one of those beers. (Let us know in comments, Matt.) As much as I admire Ill-Tempered Gnome, I have to say that the small beer is one of the best examples of session ales
available in all of Oregon. So consider this either a plug a cruelty, depending on whether it makes the trek. Thursday, Oct 13, Guild Public House 1101 East Burnside, 5-8pm.
2. Wildwood Brewers Dinner. The Great American Brewers Festival highlighted food and beer pairings in a special pavillion called "Farm to Table." Just 16 chefs and breweries were invited to attend, and Wildwood's Paul Kasten was one. He demanded to be paired with the Oregon brewery in attendance, Oakshire. The two are reprising the partnership at Wildwood for one of Paul's famous brewers dinners. I have often praised Paul's ability to craft menus to harmonize with beers, so I'll just say: tasty tasty tasty. Friday, Oct 21, Wildwood, 6:30 pm, $65, call Shelly Jones for reservation, 503-225-0130.
At the newly-designed New School, Ezra mentioned that Hellshire II, a barrel-aged imperial stout, will be released in November. A pity; the hat trick would really have been nice for Oaktober.
1. Ill-Tempered Gnome release. Matt Van Wyk will be at the Guild on Thursday with the Portland debut of the Gnome on tap--and not just the '11 debut. Apparently, this beer has never poured on draft in the Occupied Republic of Portland. The Guild will have six taps pouring with Oakbrew, including rare Single Batch Series beers. I will test Matt's fealty to reading this blog by asking whether the exceptional Well-Mannered Gnome, a small beer made from Ill-Tempered, will be one of those beers. (Let us know in comments, Matt.) As much as I admire Ill-Tempered Gnome, I have to say that the small beer is one of the best examples of session ales
2. Wildwood Brewers Dinner. The Great American Brewers Festival highlighted food and beer pairings in a special pavillion called "Farm to Table." Just 16 chefs and breweries were invited to attend, and Wildwood's Paul Kasten was one. He demanded to be paired with the Oregon brewery in attendance, Oakshire. The two are reprising the partnership at Wildwood for one of Paul's famous brewers dinners. I have often praised Paul's ability to craft menus to harmonize with beers, so I'll just say: tasty tasty tasty. Friday, Oct 21, Wildwood, 6:30 pm, $65, call Shelly Jones for reservation, 503-225-0130.
At the newly-designed New School, Ezra mentioned that Hellshire II, a barrel-aged imperial stout, will be released in November. A pity; the hat trick would really have been nice for Oaktober.