The Year in Pixels

Below I offer a year in beer, filtered through the particular lens of my perambulations. There's an unexpectedly large number of All About Beer editor John Holl in here. With CBC in Portland, OBF, GABF, and me visiting the East Coast, I got to see him more often than usual. There is a more national theme this year, as I wandered about on my book tour travels. But also shots of brewers in lederhosen, brewers playing banjo, and very small brewers in skirts. There are technology shots, bar shots, people shots, and even one art shot. All in all, a very good year.

They're mostly chronological, so have a look.

How my year, and 47th birthday, started out.

Early last year, Alex Ganum captured Willamette Week's Beeer
of the Year with Engelberg Pilsner.

The release of Pliny the Younger at Roscoe's.

Niki Ganong released her book.

Espied at FH Steinbart, my local homebrewing shop.

Oregon brewing royalty at CBC: Rogue's John Meier (l)
and Pelican's Darron Welch (r)

The Commons's new brewery receives an auspicious sign.

I haunted dive bars for my Dive Bar Challenge feature.
This is the Reel 'm' Inn.

Birrificio Italiano visits Oregon and the Willamette Valley
hop fields. (Gayle Goschie third from right).

The Beervan Podcast is born. (Producer/beeronomist
Patrick Emerson at the helm)

A typical tableau: a brewpub with lots of kids. (This is Double Mountain.)

I'll keep posting pictures of Solera's views until Pete Dunlop
visits the brewery.

Josh Pfriem had a huge year, highlighted by the release of
his Flanders barrel-aged beers.

The Nighthawk dive bar.

Consumed this summer, my first -Rita. Egregiously bad.

Pouring beer at the OBF. Needless to say, in Portland.

John Holl, Garage Project's Jos Ruffel (New Zealand), &
John Harris (l to r) at Ecliptic Brewing in Portland for OBF.

The one photo that wasn't actually taken this year.
Fred Eckhard, rest in peace.

My Beer Bible book release at Belmont Station.

Double Mountain's Matt Swihart playing banjo in the band.

Dave McLean outside the brewery he founded, Magnolia,
in just a blog from Haight and Ashberry in SF.

Anchor Brewing in SF.

Pike Brewing, Seattle.

Liquid nitrogen used to freeze fresh hops at Breakside.

Boulder Brewing.

The foeders of New Belgium.

John Holl and Maureen Ogle at the GABF.

At the airport Powell's.

McSorley's in NYC.

Non beer photo. Van Gogh's Starry Night at MoMA
(mobbed by museum-goers).

The writer-editor relationship at work. John Holl directs
me to point my camera one way, and I ...

In Brooklyn with Ed Berestecki at his Mug's Alehouse.

A porter held aloft in front of Philadelphia's Independence Hall.

Benedictine Brewery's Black Habit Ale pouring
at the Mt. Angel Octoberfest.

Goose Island's incomprehensibly large barrel room.
(This is only half of it.)

One of the highlights of the book tour: Stan Hieronymus
interviews me at Urban Chestnut in St. Louis.

Stammtisch in Portland.

A beer made with wild Saccharomyces by
Fullsteam in Durham, NC.

The Abbey Brewing Company, South Beach Miami.

The way most people drink beer in South Beach.

At Ardent Ales in Richmond, VA.

Alan Taylor, Berlin-trained brewer decked out
(surprisingly) in lederhosen for the grand
(and much anticipated) opening of Zoiglhaus.

The prize for a raffle at a local games store
(note Catan), because Portland.