The Year in Photos
Happy winter solstice, everyone. Tonight Mother Nature is delivering us a proper icy celebration, so it’s a perfect time bundle up and hunker down with some photography. My 2022 was dominated, beerwise anyway, by two trips to Norway. It was yet another pandemic year, our third, and that shaped where I went and what I saw. Nevertheless, I managed to get out a bit and see some of the beer world. Here are my favorite images.
Over the winter, I interviewed Von Ebert’s Sam Pecoraro after the brewery’s incredible 2021.
On a January stop into Rogue, I noticed a daytime clientele of largely old duffers. And then I caught my reflection in the mirror and realized I was one of them, too.
Heater Allen turned fifteen this Spring, and everyone came out to say hi—even this avian friend.
In Oslo, Amund Polden Arnesen makes tart ales using the raw-ale approach of Norwegian farmhouse brewers.
Kjetil Dale in Voss.
One night in Voss, we dined on the local specialty, roasted sheep’s head.
Bill Arnott, in the old Rainier Machine House that serves as the name for his all-cask brewery. More here. Sadly, he’s losing his lease this Spring.
Crosby Farms cut a chunk out of their hop fields and plopped an al fresco pub/stage down for summer drinking.
John Holl visited in the fall—just in time for fresh hop season! (The man knows how to take a photo.)
John and I visited Lisa Allen at Heater Allen.
Hornindal brewer Stig Seljeset (left) prepares the kveik yeast.
Finnish brewers—Viking Age Brew author Mika Laitinen at right. At the Farmhouse festival in Hornindal.
Ivar Geithung, one of the Voss long-boil brewers in Norway. At the Farmhouse festival in Hornindal.
Jørund Geving, a farmhouse brewer from Stjørdal, Norway. His kveik ales are made with the smoky malt he makes at home.
Whitney Burnside on the brew deck of her new brewery, Grand Fir.
Ben Edmunds, with a short pour (and tall head) at Breakside Slabtown.
Ben Love (left) and Van Havig of Gigantic, which celebrated their tenth anniversary by opening a new pub.