Survey: Regional IPA Expressions


I need your help! I’m working on an article for Craft Beer & Brewing about the way IPAs have evolved in different regions of the US. Rather than limit myself to experts and brewers, I’d love to crowdsource some of this. If you have a few minutes and you live in the US, please consider filling out this survey. I’d love a robust sample size, so share it with your friends!

The article is going to be focused on hazy IPAs, but there’s no way to talk about them without considering West Coast/American IPAs as well. To give a sense of what I'm thinking of, I have noticed that New England seems to be steaming along with the most “classic” types of hazy IPAs, with dense opacity, high finishing gravities (sweet and full), low bitterness, and no love for citrus-type flavors or anything with an edge. Drinkers prefer ultra soft, sweet, and almost overripe fruitiness. It contrasts with the Pac NW, where things are drier, less sweet, and often more citrusy.

Or anyway, I think that’s right. But I don’t live in New England and have tried only a tiny fraction of the beer there. I’ve tried even less beer in many other regions of the US. This is the problem with a country as big as ours—no one can ever really have a sense of the whole thing. But if we work together, perhaps we can create a map of the flavor profiles preferred coast to coast. So please fill out the survey!